Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
small doodle for a big smile
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Thank you all for the awesome comments!!!!

Incredible how fast time goes by.Already 5 months since my last post.Why so long before I posted something new .Well let say lot of overtime at work ,been focusing mainly on animation lately and like every summer,need to balance the increase of the beer drinking with the gym;)
When I had to leave Yowza after Curious George,My main fear was,by working at Nelvana seeing my learning curved go down again .After 6 months of mentoring with Roger and Claude Chiasson(professional animation gods),I could hardly imagine myself meeting an equivalent match at Nelvana. Luckily for me I've been team up with 3 guys who just made my time worth it at Nelvana.Rob Risek http://dirtroadblue.blogspot.com/,Cory wilson http://houseofcool.blogspot.com/ and the amazing ...Faruk Cemalovic (no blog),one of the most talented guy I ever meet.Together we designed the population and the props for the upcoming show Grossology .
In a sad way( and an happy way) I just got transferred to animation for the same show.Leaving my teammates is kind of hard but necessary if I want to finally meet my peace with animation .
We had the pleasure last week to welcome my replacement ,referred by Charlie Bonifacio himself ,Perry LJ Osuna http://henchpekaso.blogspot.com/ .I love his stuff and no doubt he'll do well in his new team .
Good luck guys !!!
Like every new show,there always an adaptation time to get the new style.Grossology was a really challenging style for me ,but really great to learn.Here my earlier design who got rejected. Hope the show will do well.
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Finally back with something new!!!
First of all I just want to thanks everybody for all the awesome comment.It really mean a lot .
Second thing ...well I am really sorry I took so long to post something new .I 've been really busy with an illustration I've been asked for a coffee table book .Sadly I screwed up by misunderstanding what the client(http://www.1313midnitekreepshow.com/) really wanted and now my illustration won't be used. My bad but still enjoyed working on it ,definitely my kind of topic.The book is a compilation of horror illustration about turning the cereal mascot into serial killer .Being myself a big horror fan ,Clive Barker's Hellraiser was the first thing who came to my mind ,and who else than the Rice crispies guy for the role of the cenobites. The top illustration is the final,the one under is my first layout I had in mind but I've been ask to drop for the sake of the composition .
Friday, February 10, 2006
pitch for trapeze

After working with all those angular character(like doodlez)I decided to pitch something back to a more classical cartoony look .Roundish is definitly my cup of the and I sure miss it .After creating the cast ,a co worker was supposed to layout a scene with my posing .Of course he never did it .After spending so much time on posing it kind of bug me to not having a layout to put them.So I did a temporary BG just for the sake of putting the pose in a context instead of a white sheet of paper .The layout ain't great but at least my posing is out there .The color was done buy a friend of mine Rene Daigle.Thank Dude!!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Big fan of the show ,I decided to use that retro/flat style just for the fun of it .Saddly ....It wasn't fun at all,lost interest in the project and decided to drop it .
For those who don't get the "word of the day" panel .The pink alien is a villain I found in the Pee-wee world.His name is Zyzzybalubah and you can see him in a episode call "Playhouse in the outer space".Not really proud of that set and might get back to pee-wee one day with a style I will enjoy more .Oh well...
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Scary but true!!!

On my way home in the subway ,I had the pleasure to share my trip with this pleasant fellow.For 20 minutes that guy,who at first was reading a magazine ,started to yell at the top of his lung that I was a "F...ing NERD!!!!"Laughing at me and screaming every swear you could imagine ,followed by the word nerd .The funny thing is ,I consider myself border line of the nerdy ,geeky world.I never had a conversation with a friend about who would win between Wolverine and Edward scissorhand but I sure enjoy comic book .
So I could feel myself blushing ,now that my dark secret was out LOL!!.But for everybody else it didn't make any sense because I was sitting calmly listening my walkman .No geeky stuff I swear.So finally he hit my nerve and when I open my mouth to ask him what was his problem ,He stood up and got out of the train ,leaving ,of course ,behind him a huge stain and puddle of piss.
I don't know if there a moral to that story but I am sure I wont use it on my kid to make a point .....
Sooo desapointed;((

As a french Quebecquers if there one thing I learn to hate like the plague itself is of course translated movies,songs and games.Trust me on that one ,I am still twitching from the last Jim Carey or Robin William movie I saw in french.It just plain awful.Like everything there always exception .Cheech and chong ,Slapshot are part of those exception .I wouldn't trade the Quebecquers version for nothing in the world.
Quebec version of the Flintstones is for me Translation at his best .I don't really care for the original version of the flintstones( in english) but man... ,probably one of the funniest thing I 've ever seen in my life .Anybody who can enjoyed the french version will ,without a doubt,second me on this one .
For me it was such a joy when I discovered the release of the Quebecquers version on the box set. I was happy to think my kids will enjoyed the same version I had when I was kid .Sadly the bubble busted when I bought last week end the fourth season .No Quebecquers version on it .What happened????I know they existed ,I saw them on TV.I really Hope season 5 and 6 won't disappoint me .I am just dying to hear great zazoo call fred "Gros Cave!!!"
My first movie..Sniff !Sniff!

Last saturday I went to the premiere of the first 2D animated movie I worked on .It was an awesome time ,and I actually enjoy the movie quite a bit .I still think the first part of the movie is the best when it really focus on the relation between ted and george ,but still really entertaining .Hopefully it won't be my last one.On that pic,you have 4 of the most incredible talent I ever had the chance to meet .Former disney (australia) guys.From top left to down right.Steve Baker ,Mike Mcdougal,Nadine Wagner ,Me and Florian Wagner . Those guys been real friends while I was having though time to adapt from tv to feature .Of course while I 'm at it I would like to thank The Chiasson brothers ,Pierre ,Claude and my mentor Roger for everything they did for me.You guys kick ASS!!!!
It all about a good story....
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Advice from a Caterpillar
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
You've been warned...

I got my first request today ....
I've been ask to post sketches instead of finish stuff .I know everybody do it but for some reason I always feel like my rough aint good enough to be showned.I guess the same way I was scared to have a blog ,it just a matter of breaking the ice.So welcome in my vault were no one ever been ....
Don't try to make sens out of them ,those a really quick doodles done while I am waiting because my computer at work suck and laged non stop.
The tunes
Monday, January 30, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
The stiff
Trapeze Animation

Make sure you guys take a look at this web site..
I spent 3 years of my life working at Trapeze and I still appreciate every minute of it .Great studio for growing, for exploring ,experimenting and pushing your skill artistically ,it was the best .
For those who still don't know what Doodlez is (that mean everybody outside Canada) you can watch some sample here:
Thursday, January 26, 2006
modelsheet I actually used
Duker 102

To keep going on the subject about..... me .If there is ONE thing I love more than Batman is of course ...
CHUCK JONES .Chuck is the reason where I am today .I knew I wanted to be a animator since I was 5 years old but when, at 14, I discovered Chuck Amuck .What a turning point in my life !Not only I knew I wanted to be part of the animation business ,but Warner bros would be my new home ....
How thing did turn out for me, almost 15 years later ,well for having Warner bros as a home well....still working on it, but the worst is I never had the chance to meet Chuck ,or talk to him ,or even see his grave or any of is legacy .OH!! not true, I saw his star on the sidewalk of fame in hollywood(Hurray!!!the only thing I didn't give a .......)So if any of you got stories about the big man ,please feel free to share with me .
At this point you probably guess it .I love the Looney tunes .(the classic of course ).So be kind with me if you see looney tunes sketches popping once a while .I sure draw a lot of those.
Here my 2 originals layouts from Chuck that I bought . (And proud to be a sucker ;))
Duker 101
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
still posting...old stuff!

This one was created after reading the book His dark materials by Philip Pullman.For some reason I thought Humberto Ramos's style was perfect for adapting some scene .A lot of sketches were made but only this one ended up finish .My goal for this one was to avoid computer in the process,that explain why the piece still black and white(without flash or photoshop I am useless with color.)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The challenge now is to keep posting ...

I guess for a while I will basically post my portfolio ,not a lot of new pieces are getting done lately because I am focusing mainly on my animation skill.Here some Character design I did after reading the first Lemony snickett book,almost a year before the movie.Funny how my count Olaf kind of look like Jim Carey.
Monday, January 23, 2006
That's it! I finally did it!!

Hard to believe but... Yes!, I finally did my blog .Thank to my good friends Campbell and Jason who gave me an ultimatum last week end .They told me, I was doing it or they were doing it for me, filling that blog with every old drawing of mine they could put their hand on .Wow !! that's what you call pressure.
Because this is my first post,I would like to let the new comers know that I am French Quebecquer .Hopefully you guys will forgive me for my bad english .
Because I wasn't mentally ready to have a blog, I am not really sure where to start.....
I guess I will start with my last completed piece that I did .It a bit dated ,but those who don't know me won't know.I actually met Jason Alexander and showed him the work in progress.He really liked it and signed it. He was exactly what I was hoping for, an amazing guy.
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