As a french Quebecquers if there one thing I learn to hate like the plague itself is of course translated movies,songs and games.Trust me on that one ,I am still twitching from the last Jim Carey or Robin William movie I saw in french.It just plain awful.Like everything there always exception .Cheech and chong ,Slapshot are part of those exception .I wouldn't trade the Quebecquers version for nothing in the world.
Quebec version of the Flintstones is for me Translation at his best .I don't really care for the original version of the flintstones( in english) but man... ,probably one of the funniest thing I 've ever seen in my life .Anybody who can enjoyed the french version will ,without a doubt,second me on this one .
For me it was such a joy when I discovered the release of the Quebecquers version on the box set. I was happy to think my kids will enjoyed the same version I had when I was kid .Sadly the bubble busted when I bought last week end the fourth season .No Quebecquers version on it .What happened????I know they existed ,I saw them on TV.I really Hope season 5 and 6 won't disappoint me .I am just dying to hear great zazoo call fred "Gros Cave!!!"
1 comment:
HA!.. great fred drawing...
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