Incredible how fast time goes by.Already 5 months since my last post.Why so long before I posted something new .Well let say lot of overtime at work ,been focusing mainly on animation lately and like every summer,need to balance the increase of the beer drinking with the gym;)
When I had to leave Yowza after Curious George,My main fear was,by working at Nelvana seeing my learning curved go down again .After 6 months of mentoring with Roger and Claude Chiasson(professional animation gods),I could hardly imagine myself meeting an equivalent match at Nelvana. Luckily for me I've been team up with 3 guys who just made my time worth it at Nelvana.Rob Risek http://dirtroadblue.blogspot.com/,Cory wilson http://houseofcool.blogspot.com/ and the amazing ...Faruk Cemalovic (no blog),one of the most talented guy I ever meet.Together we designed the population and the props for the upcoming show Grossology .
In a sad way( and an happy way) I just got transferred to animation for the same show.Leaving my teammates is kind of hard but necessary if I want to finally meet my peace with animation .
We had the pleasure last week to welcome my replacement ,referred by Charlie Bonifacio himself ,Perry LJ Osuna http://henchpekaso.blogspot.com/ .I love his stuff and no doubt he'll do well in his new team .
Good luck guys !!!
Like every new show,there always an adaptation time to get the new style.Grossology was a really challenging style for me ,but really great to learn.Here my earlier design who got rejected. Hope the show will do well.
Hey Mr Duker thanks for the kind words bro it's been great meeting you can't wait to learn and help grossology kick some ass the team is killa like u said and I'm glad to be apart of it I know I will have a super duper time there!!!
Some great drawings too bad they didn't make the cut. There is a nice range of characters and I like the style. Can't wait to see the show, the style so far seems only headed for success.
lovely sketches! great blog!
WOW!! A new Post.. what the hell?? are you alright man?? this new post thing is freaking me out...
hehe.. nice to hear your growing and enjoying it Duker.. Try not to wait 5 months between posts.. it makes me lonely ;)..
Love that top-middle chick, great pose.
is that me on guitar? Great pics buddy. Hope to see you in To soon.
I just seen some of the episodes of Grossology at Mercury and i think it is one of the best designed shows out there. You guys did some amazing work!
Great BLOG! Amazing characters on this post! I was surprised to see that you worked with my brother, Rob Risek, at Nelvana. I'm glad to see you posted again. Don't make me wait another 5 months for your next post. ANd tell my brother to start posting again. Love the Hellraiser Snap Crackle Pop guys!
cool stuff
Holy geeze these are nicely designed.. wow
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