Since I started to work on another show and that keeped me away from it to long.Now it all dry and grainy, so just before throwing in out in the garbage I though sharing my rough stage of what it could had been.
Hey there!
I am not even sure if people still look at my blog ,it been so long . I have been extremely busy lately with work.No new posting doesn't mean I didn't draw though .I will probably post some of them in the upcoming week.
I 'have been focusing a bit more on my animation .Resulting to finally decided to post my Animation reel .The funny thing is, looking my demo reel just bring one thing to my mind...sadness and frustration.
I've live in the wrong place ,in the wrong time.I am pretty sure If I would have been californian ,coming out of school in 1988,my demo reel would probably represent much more what I dreamed to become, than what I have to offer today .
Don't get me wrong ,I sure do realize how lucky I am,in that awful age for classical animation ,butchered by 3d,flash and by tones of student badly taught, hoping for money and fame, to have, all put together ,probably over 15 minutes of animation under my belt .
I just can 't help to think ,where did I screwed up?.
It is one of those time I really have a hard time the make me feel better with"The grass is always greener on the other side"
Anyway here it his. I am really sorry for the poor quality ,first experience with posting a video.If anyone have suggestion how to improve the the quality ,please share with me .